Sunday, September 25, 2011

Week 5 All Parts

Week Five Assignment, Part 1 and Part E of the Three Year Professional Development Plan

Please review and examine a variety of assessments (e.g., Post SBEC Assessment, Superintendent/Supervisor Internship Summative Evaluation), intern plan progress, and develop a comprehensive three year professional development plan that includes each of the following for Year One, Year Two and Year Three:

Goals – at least two for each year 2 points for each goal times 3 years = 12 Points possible);

Identification of TExES Superintendent Domain and Competency addressed in each goal (1 point for each identified Competency – 6 goals with at least 6 Competencies);

Objectives – describe at least one objective for each goal (at least 6 points);

Resources such as Courses/books/workshops/webinars that will help achieve each goal;

Identification of mentor(s) and other professional support staff to help achieve each goal (1 points for each identified resource = at least 6 points for resources)

Timeline(s) for each goal (6 points possible – 1 point for each timeline);

Evaluations – identify at least one evaluation recommendation for each goal (at least 6 points possible)
The following template will assist you in completing your 3 Year PDP:

Year One
I will work with five area CEOs to show them the importance of their involvement in our public schools.
Competency and Domain
Domain 1, Competency 3
(What do you want to improve?)
Awareness, open communication, financial assistance, job opportunities for graduates, community partner ships
Course Work/Book/
(How do you want to improve?)
I will identify one need, make a list of potential community resources for that need, and pursue finding a donor to cover the need. Read Crucial Conversations
Professional Support
(Who will help you improve?)
Crockett DuBose, Assistant to the Supt. of Special Projects, Esmeralda Perez, PTA Local Chapter President, North Channel Chamber of Commerce and Rotarians
Date of
May 2012
(How will you know you have improved?)
Their involvement in our district events (festivals, foundation events. Involvement in our DPAC and at our campus events.
I will work to network with other area superintendents, leaders of the region service centers and join professional organizations as well as serve on the board of different organizations that are relevant to the education field (ie: UIL board, different TEA committees for the progress of STAAR, etc). I will attend the Lamar Superintendent Program
Competency and Domain
Domain 2, Competency 7
(What do you want to improve?)
To be able to grow as a leader, I must see how others lead, have peers going who understand the pressures of my job and ensure I am aware of what is impacting my school district by being involved in these organizations to keep my employees and community involved and up to date on a variety of topics impacting education.
Course Work/Book/
(How do you want to improve?)
I will attend NASSP, TASSP, I will also attend Midwinter TASA to hear the commissioner speak about the upcoming year. I will also ensure my board attends TASBE and I will also look for a variety of opportunities to keep abreast of new items impacting schools and school leaders.
Professional Support
(Who will help you improve?)
NASSP, TASSP, Dr. Bob and Dr. Artebury from Lamar and the Superintendent Cohort
Date of
May 2012
(How will you know you have improved?)
I will be an active member of these organizations, I will attend the different conferences and bring back the information to my district, I will find appropriate staff development for my cabinet to attend to extend the learning even further. I will have a cohort I can contact and work with all year as part of the Superintendent Program at Lamar.

Year Two

I will learn more about school finance and work to improve our financial status
Competency and Domain
Domain 3, Competency 8 and 9
(What do you want to improve?)
I need to learn about funding sources, how to increase funding for our district and ensure we are using our money to benefit our students as best as possible.
Course Work/Book/
(How do you want to improve?)
Become a member of TASBO, Attend their annual workshop with my CFO
Professional Support
(Who will help you improve?)
Continue my friendship with my cohort from LAMAR to see the different resources they use and how they get better prepared in this area.

Date of
June 2013
(How will you know you have improved?)
We will have better spending, increase of funding and transparency of how we as a district handle the public’s money.
I believe in servant leadership and will work with all administrators to train them in this and ensure they understand we are here for our community and because of our community
Competency and Domain
Domain I, Competency 1,2,3 and 4
(What do you want to improve?)
My understanding of the vision, how I could develop implementation of strategies to support the vision. 
Course Work/Book/
(How do you want to improve?)
Good to Great, J. Collins,
Quiet Strength: The Principles, Practices, and Priorities of a Winning Life, Tony Dungy.
Professional Support
(Who will help you improve?)
My cabinet. We will all work together on the desire to serve our community, study two books and determine our goals together to serve our community better.
Date of
May 2013
(How will you know you have improved?)
We will see examples in our schools of servant leadership. Parental involvement will increase at each school.

Year Three
I will evaluate the models used to appraise administrators and ensure we take into consideration principal’s input and hold them just as responsible for student success as all other parties.
Competency and Domain
Domain 2, Competency 5, 6, and 7
(What do you want to improve?)
I want to all those who work with these administrators to have a say in their performance and for those non campus administrators to know their work is very important to what we do daily.
Course Work/Book/
(How do you want to improve?)
We will look at different options that have presented in neighboring districts, refer to the document Dr. Thompson has presented on changing this evaluation model and see the different models presented by USAA and TASA
Professional Support
(Who will help you improve?)
Principals, my cabinet, the school board. We will all determine what is most important and create a document that will allow for a fair evaluation of this group of personnel.
Date of
Ongoing throughout the school year 2013-2014
(How will you know you have improved?)
Principals will give feedback, we will have a completed appraisal instrument to present to the board during the summer of 2014. All
I will attend the Harvard Superintendent Leadership program.
TExES Competency and Domain
Domain 3, Competency 10

(What do you want to improve?)
To learn how to instill new programs and sustain reform that will lead to student improvement
Course Work/Book/
(How do you want to improve?)
Attend the Harvard Leadership Institute for Superintendent during Spring Break
Professional Support
(Who will help you improve?)
Harvard professors, Cohort from the Harvard program
Date of
March 2014
(How will you know you have improved?)
We will identify three areas of need at the onset of the year and at mid year and end of year we will evaluate growth, see if we have trained all staff and accomplished goals.

Blog Follow-Up: Be sure to post a reflection on the lessons learned from developing your Professional Development Plan to your blog, and read and comment on at least two other students’ PDP reflections.
In completing this superintendent program I have had to learn a lot, quickly and it really has opened my eyes as to all the different hats a superintendent must wear, be knowledgeable of, and most important the need to communicate all you are doing to those you serve. In completing this professional development plan, it forced me to look at my weaknesses and how I plan to improve in these areas and make a logical plan to make this happen.  In year one I really want to create a connection with our community and show them how they can have an impact on our district. I will look for all opportunities to help our area businesses see the great things GPISD is doing, increase partnerships and how powerful a partnership can be for both sides. I also know the first year will be very interesting and I want to attend the new superintendent program at Lamar to meet others who are also doing what I am doing, which will allow me to learn from others, keep abreast of topics affecting schools, etc. Year two I want to focus on finance and how to ensure we are self sustained and to ensure my CFO an I are on the same page. The third year will be focused on making systematic changes that will benefit the students we serve. I have attended other Harvard programs and they prepared me to lead my school to be exemplary, therefore I am confident that this program will help me with the roadblocks I will be facing. The whole program I developed for three years is really exciting.

Week Five Assignment, Part 2 Update Vita
Please reviews his or her vita, revises it where appropriate and submits it, and describes the revisions and changes in the Vita since EDLD 5396 in the space below:
My vita has had minimal changes, as I have not had any professional changes other than completing this program and the principals academy at Lamar. During this year, I attended the Lamar Principal’s Academy and we worked as a cohort to improve our vitas and what I presented in ED5396 was the revision from my original. Therefore, what I presented this week was still the same revision with the new staff development.
Julissa Alcantar-Martinez
12831 Winding Manor Dr
Houston, TX 77044
Cell:713-539-1747       Home: 281-225-4987
Education and Certifications
Master of Arts in Educational Administration
St. Mary’s University, San Antonio, TX 2002
Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics
Universidad de Las Americas (UDLA), Puebla, Mexico 1998
Bachelor of Arts in International Relations
St. Mary’s University, San Antonio, TX 1996

Certifications and Continuing Education
Principal’s Academy at Lamar University, 2010-2011
Principals Academy at Harvard School Of Education 2008
TX- Superintendents Certification Program, December 2011
TX- Principal Certification 2002
TX- English/ Secondary Language Arts 1999

Professional Experience
2009- Present Principal of Woodland Acres Middle School, Galena Park ISD (GPISD), Houston, TX. Campus consists of grades 6-8, with specialized program in Two Way Instruction in Spanish.  As the instructional leader of this campus of approximately 530 students,, responsibilities include but are not limited to directing all aspects of instruction, campus planning and staff development. Serve students from two feeder campuses and prepare students to successfully transition to high school with at least one credit. Parental involvement, student discipline, budget, campus planning, grant writing , recruitment and retention are also important aspects of building school success. Currently rated as a Recognized Campus.

2006-2009 Principal of Cobb 6th Grade Campus, GPISD, Houston, TX. Planned, controlled and directed all aspects of the educational process for intermediate campus consisting of approximately 1,200 students from 10 feeder elementary campuses. Scope of position included: management and control of the budget, recruitment and retention, staff development, as well as educational programs for student body. Also responsible for student discipline, team building, shared decision-making, promotion of school values, creation and maintenance of a safe, respectful, and bully free environment. Raised school rating to Exemplary in 2009.

2004- 2006   Assistant Principal of Galena Park Middle School, GPISD. Primary role was to support the principal to improve the campus in all aspects. Served as testing coordinator, worked with the master schedule and coordinating campus improvement plan. Charged with discipline of 7th and 8th grade students, led ESL, math and science departments, LPAC, parental involvement, numerous clubs and organizations and appraisal of teachers assigned. Coordinated after school and Saturday academic tutorials.

2003-2004     Vice Principal at Cenizo Park Elementary Edgewood ISD in San Antonio, TX. Responsible for discipline of all students, as well as staff development of teachers and paraprofessionals. Also responsible for textbooks, grades, attendance, bilingual education program as well as PPCD program. Worked with Instructional Facilitator to ensure all testing and evaluation of students at each grade level were completed. Was also responsible for Special Education program. Managed the school collaboration with the head start program.

2000- 2003 Vice Principal at Gus Garcia MS at EISD. Was responsible for ESL and LPAC, discipline, textbooks, scheduling, special programs, after school programs. Shared discipline with another vice principal. Handled all special education responsibilities at this campus, coordinated parent involvement projects from district level. Was also responsible for all alternative placements. Responsible for staff development of teachers, paraprofessionals, as well as parental trainings.

Teaching Experience
1998-1996          ELA Teacher at Fundacion Colegio Americano,  Puebla, Mexico.
1998-2000 ELA/ ESL Teacher at JF Kennedy High School, Edgewood ISD, San Antonio, TX

Awards and Accomplishments
2010 and 2011-      Woodland Acres Middle School recognized by National Center for Educational Achievement for Growth in Math for two years.
2008-      Selected by Raise Your Hand Texas (RYHT) as one of 100 principals in the state to attend Harvard University for the Principal’s Center. Session attended was Art of Learning (AOL). Continue to attend all reunions and continued professional development provided by RYHT.
2007-      Cobb 6th Grade Campus recognized by “Texas Monthly” as an outstanding school in the state.
2007-      Cobb 6th Grade Campus recognized by “Just for the Kids” as a Higher Performing School in Reading, for growth and commended performance.
2002 - 2001        Deans List, S.t. Mary’s University
1995-       Phi Sigma Iota Foreign Language Honor Society Member


Orphalinda Bazan
Assistant Superintendent of Special Programs
Galena Park ISD                              Arnold Ramirez
Work- 832-386-1279            Assisstnat Superintendent of Human
Wanna Giaconna, Ed.D.                   Galena Park ISD
Executive Director of Special Programs            Work- 832-386-1244
Galena Park ISD
Work- 832-386-1024

Week Five Assignment, Part 3 Review and Submission of all Reports
Please review all documents/forms required and show evidence that all have been submitted, including:
District Supervised Summary Report – documenting total number of hours of intern experiences identified by Domain and Competencies;

District-Supervised Internship Summary Report and Validation
Directions: This Campus-Supervised Internship Summary Report is for your use as a planning worksheet. As you plan out the district-supervised Internship hours, do the following:
• Include at least one district-supervised activity under each competency.
• Make sure your district-supervised activities total a minimum of 115 hours per semester  
  (230 total) as specified in the following domains:
– Domain I School Community Leadership: minimum of 36 hours per semester
– Domain II Instructional Leadership: minimum of 52 hours per semester
– Domain III Administrative Leadership: minimum of 27 hours per semester

Brief Description of the Activity
Date of the Activity
Internship Hours
Domain I: School Community Leadership
Competency 001
Pay attention to those I am interacting with- not multitasking
Daily January 2011 to May 2011
Interview Board Member of vision/ duty for GPISD
June 2011
As our district is changing, we need to create new job descriptions. I would like to interview two asst. sups who are directly responsible for doing this to see what they base this on, how this process takes place, expectations, etc.
June 2011
Competency 002
I want parents and students involved in making the mission statement for our school.
May 2011
We are very close to reaching exemplary status. To reach this we must improve our ESL group, science at 8th grade and to do this we need extra time. I will set up a schedule of tutorials for Saturdays to allow each group to have time for this extra instruction, evaluate how it went and determine if it was worth the extra time, expense and effort
Spring 2011
Interview the district director of curriculum directly involved with ensuring we are meeting the requirements under NCLB, Dollie Mayeux. I will ask what actions are being taken, what is in place and their roles to meet these guidelines.
July 2011
I will review board policy and determine when it is appropriate to make top down decisions and when consensus leadership should be used. I will reflect on both styles and when to use which.
July 2011
I will attend a DPAC meeting to see how this meeting takes place, how this committee makes decisions for the rest of the district. I reflect on the leadership of this meeting, issues at hand, etc
March 2011
Competency 003
I want to improve how students voice is heard and what is done with their input on my campus. I will survey a group from each grade level, create an advisory board comprised of two students per grade level. We will discuss their wants and needs and discuss how to achieve success for both sides
January to May 2011
I send out a monthly newsletter. I will survey parents on this form of communication and ask for feedback, get suggestions for what they want to be seen and other modes of communication they prefer.
Month Jan- May 2011
We will hold two new events for parents to be with their children and increase parental involvement: Spring Festival and 8th gr trip to Austin. It will be an opportunity for parents to bond with their child, get to know their school a little more and hopefully see how important their presence is in their child’s life.
May 2011
We hold a multicultural festival each year in May, this year we will focus on 100% involvement of all teachers and students and add parental involvement. We will showcase each continent and something specific from each area/culture. The goal will be to embrace diversity.
May 2011

Required Hours for Domain I:
minimum of 36 hours per semester
Internship Hours Earned for Domain I

Domain II: Instructional Leadership

Competency 004
Pay attention to those I am interacting with- not multitasking
January to May 2011
As our district is changing, we need to create new job descriptions. I would like to interview two asst. sups who are directly responsible for doing this to see what they base this on, how this process takes place, expectations, etc.
May 2011
Interview Board Member of vision/ duty for GPISD
August 2011
Competency 005
Evaluate the position of the grant writer in our district
July 2011
I will meet with the director of ELA to discuss how we are preparing for STAAR, changing of assessments, how she is meeting the needs of all levels, how she brings this info to the board, her bosses, how she has her team help her create the new curriculum and how it is delivered to the teachers.
June 2011
As we are having so many cut backs in personnel, I will work with my counselor to create the new master schedule to meet all the new needs of the district and the state.
May 2011- August 2011
I will observe a district program director to see how she will implement new curriculum, work with her specialists to see how she will adjust the science curriculum from K-12 to align the activities and ensure they are building on each other.
February 2011- June 2011
I will interview the director of female athletics to see the progress she has seen since entering her position and where she sees girls athletics in the future. I want to discuss the funding, insurance, opportunities, scholarships and programs available for girls in GPISD.
June 2011
Competency 006
I will survey teachers on how they motivate students, as well as students on how what motivates them. I will reveal the results of both to the teachers and share with teachers so that they can hear the students voice on what we could do to motivate students more.
April and May 2011
As zero tolerance is a topic of much debate, I will meet with a group of students from grades 6-8 to discuss ho they see it, what changes they feel are necessary and how we can meet each other to maintain a safe school. We will also look at different situations and how the discipline was handled, as well as what other options the administrator should have considered.
May 2011
I will interview the district technology specialist to see how she evaluates technology, determines what will fit our needs and the process to get that technology running and used on campuses.
August 2011
I will interview the director of testing to see how she analyzes data, what trends she looks for, how she reports her data to the board and the superintendent. I will also ask her to show me how she determines which software to use, how TPM affects data and what projections are expected for STAAR.

August 2011
Competency 007

I will meet with the Senior Director of Staff Development to see how the district creates a year of staff development, how it is correlated to the mission statement, to get a picture of how the planning is carried out, who they contact and how it is delivered.
May 2011
Interview, Asst. Supt. of HRS, Galena Park ISD regarding hiring and dismissal processes
June 2011

Required Hours for Domain II:
minimum of 52 hours per semester
Internship Hours Earned for Domain II

Domain III: Administrative Leadership

Competency 008

I will interview the district technology specialist to see how she evaluates technology, determines what will fit our needs and the process to get that technology running and used on campuses.

We are moving from Skyward to Web based Skyward. I will attend training for a PEIMS clerk and see and learn about this new software. I will work with this employee to see how it is used, evaluate effectiveness, ease of use, etc
August 2011
We have open enrollment in our district. I will interview the district truancy officer and see how effective it has been, how it has impacted our enrollment and growth, and what problems she sees with this program.
September 2011
Interview CFO, Galena Park ISD regarding how we will conserve funds to get out of deficit, how he creates his vision and expectations he has of campus principals. Write reflection of this interview.
May 2011
Competency 009

Air conditioning is a major project in most Texas districts, I will interview our maintenance director over HVAC and see what challenges he faces, how his job has changed over the years and what changes are expected.
May 2011 and September 2011
I plan to ride the “hardest” bus route to see the route, how we could improve the conditions, get student feedback and bus driver feedback.
May 2011
Survey students on food served at MS campus, desires/ preferences and write a reflection to share with the cafeteria manager
March 2011

Required Hours for Domain III:
minimum of 27 hours per semester
Internship Hours Earned for Domain III

Total Campus Supervised Hours

Intern’s Signature: ________________________________________ Date: ______________
Site Supervisor’s Signature: _________________________________ Date: ______________

This document must be mailed, faxed, or hand delivered.
MAIL TO: Lamar University
Attention: Dr. Elvis Arterbury
P.O. Box 10034 Beaumont, TX 77710
FAX TO: 409-880-8685

Superintendent/Supervisor Internship Summative Evaluation (see Blog activity regarding the completed SISE);
My supervisor internship summative evaluation went very well. I faxed the original to Dr. Artebury and was pleased to sit down with my supervisor to discuss this internship among many things.  My supervisor has been given a new position and is no longer my immediate supervisor. This has been difficult for many of us, and therefore reaching her was a challenge. When we met we went over the things she likes and the areas she wants to me to work on as I prepare for my next administrative position. She gave me so may things to consider, how to discuss the changes I want to see happen and even how to prepare for a transition that will be coming at my current campus. She had a lot of wise insight I have taken to heart and have been thinking of a lot since we met. She was a very good supervisor who helped me complete this certification course, while ensuring I was exposed to many different faucets of the district. I have added my reflection to this conference on my blog.

Revised Intern Plan;
There  were some revisions that needed to be made, but it was to people’s titles and names as this year there were many staffing changes and that was addressed. Though the people may change, the work is basically the same.  The change I encountered was new people having to learn their new job and then adding their spin on these new activities. I did encounter some people not so happy with the changes that wee occurring, while I found others very excited about their new positions, bosses, and the direction GPISD is heading. I am glad we took some time to revise this plan, though I wish we could have done this once midway and then again t the end.

Completion of Comprehensive Final Report – Parts A – E.
Describe below where you have posted each of the above:
All of these items have been posted on the discussion section of Epic for week 5 and my blog

Week Five Assignment, Part 4 Blog Comments following SISE Conference
Reminder - Scheduling a Conference with the District Site Supervisor to review the SISE
Please schedule a conference with your District Site Supervisor before the end of Week 5 to review the Supervisor’s SISE (Superintendent/Supervisor Internship Summative Evaluation). Following the conference, please do the following:
Post your reflection on lessons learned from the SISE Conference and comment on at least two other students’ reflections on their SISE.
My final conference with my internship supervisor took place on September 8th, at 1pm. Orphalinda Bazan formerly the executive director of middle schools and grants, now the assistant superintendent of special programs sat down with me to discuss many of the activities I had on my internship plan. While we went over the various activities we discussed how she moved from teacher to counselor to principal to executive director and now assistant superintendent. We discussed how she prepared herself and how the numerous activities I had been involved in were also on the right path to grow and prepare for the next level. She has only worked in two districts and though that may limit her experiences, she works hard to network and keep herself well versed on all the new changes TEA has proposed, the new requirements for special programs and in her new position she is learning so much about budget and what is acceptable and not. She gave me a lot of information to consider as GPISD moves into a new era of assessment, less funding, changes from the administration down to the students and how to take in all this information. She also took time to go over my final evaluation and give me very positive feedback. She helped me in more ways than what is listed on the intern activities and I am forever grateful.

1 comment:

  1. I appreciated you sharing Orphalinda's journey to the assistant superintendency. I feel we don't take the time to view the entire process. It is important to take the time to look back and understand that every experience has served to mold us into the people we are today. That nothing, good or bad, was for naught. Every experience is an opportunity to learn, to grow, to become a better person today than we were yesterday. It has been great to work with you and watch as you have grown through this process.
