Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My Professional Development Plan

EDLD 5399: School Superintendent Internship
Section E: Three-Year Professional Development Plan – The following plan should be developed by the end of your intern/practicum experiences and based on your progress and evaluations by yourself, colleagues and site supervisor(s).
Name: __Julissa Alcantar_____________________


Domain and Competency - identify Domain Name (e.g. Administrative Leadership) and Competency Number

(What do you want to improve?) Describe in detail – you may use language from the Quality Indicators of the Superintendent Competencies
Course Work/Book/
(How do you want to improve?)

(Who will help you improve?)

Date of Completion

(How will you know you have improved?)

Comp 2- Vision
I want parents and students involved in making the mission statement for our school.
There are many books on making transitions, on going beyond the minimum
O. Bazan
Summer 2011
Parent comments, evaluation, teacher comments, students understanding the mission of the school
Comp 3- Effective Communication
I want students to have a voice that is heard in our school- ownership
We are using a program in our district to help us plan out the program, evaluate the new idea and how to structure this program
S. Mathews
O. Bazan
Summer 2011
Student anonymous evaluations, Parent evaluations, Student response to events on campus
Comp 10- Student Services
Reduce Teen Pregnancy and early sex
Use the “It’s your game” program from UT Austin
F. Urbanosky
S. Mathews
T. Sapien
C. Pirtle
A. Arenas
2011-2012 school year
Less pregnancy scares, student evaluations of the program
Comp 1 and 4:
Interpersonal Relationships
Pay attention to those I am interacting with- not multitasking
Focus,  book: How Full is Your Bucket, The Five Mistakes of a CEO
E. Sanchez
L. Ramirez
Fall 2011
Evaluations to see if they feel I pay attention to just them when we meet, if they feel important and that I take their issues seriously.
Comp 1 and 4:
School Board Policy
Interview Board Member of vision/ duty for GPISD
TASBO, Region 4 Supt Academy
One of the 7 board members
Fall 2011
Reflection of how I see board members, their role and if our vision is similar for GPISD
Comp 5: Federal Programs Admin.
Evaluate the position of the grant writer in our district
Job description, TEA discretionary grants
S. Mathews
O. Bazan
Fall 2011
Learn about the position. How we determine which grants we are eligible for and how we win these grants.

1 comment:

  1. Great Job with your Professional Development Plan. I always look at your plans, posts, blogs, etc. to see if I am on track with mine.
