EDLD 5399: School Superintendent Internship
Section E: Three-Year Professional Development Plan – The following plan should be developed by the end of your intern/practicum experiences and based on your progress and evaluations by yourself, colleagues and site supervisor(s).
Name: __Julissa Alcantar_____________________
Goal | TExES Domain and Competency - identify Domain Name (e.g. Administrative Leadership) and Competency Number | Objective (What do you want to improve?) Describe in detail – you may use language from the Quality Indicators of the Superintendent Competencies | Course Work/Book/ Workshops (How do you want to improve?) | Mentor Professional Support (Who will help you improve?) | Date of Completion | Evaluations (How will you know you have improved?) |
1 | Comp 2- Vision | I want parents and students involved in making the mission statement for our school. | There are many books on making transitions, on going beyond the minimum | O. Bazan | Summer 2011 | Parent comments, evaluation, teacher comments, students understanding the mission of the school |
2 | Comp 3- Effective Communication | I want students to have a voice that is heard in our school- ownership | We are using a program in our district to help us plan out the program, evaluate the new idea and how to structure this program | S. Mathews O. Bazan | Summer 2011 | Student anonymous evaluations, Parent evaluations, Student response to events on campus |
3 | Comp 10- Student Services | Reduce Teen Pregnancy and early sex | Use the “It’s your game” program from UT Austin | F. Urbanosky S. Mathews T. Sapien C. Pirtle A. Arenas | 2011-2012 school year | Less pregnancy scares, student evaluations of the program |
4 | Comp 1 and 4: Interpersonal Relationships | Pay attention to those I am interacting with- not multitasking | Focus, book: How Full is Your Bucket, The Five Mistakes of a CEO | E. Sanchez L. Ramirez | Fall 2011 | Evaluations to see if they feel I pay attention to just them when we meet, if they feel important and that I take their issues seriously. |
5 | Comp 1 and 4: School Board Policy | Interview Board Member of vision/ duty for GPISD | TASBO, Region 4 Supt Academy | One of the 7 board members | Fall 2011 | Reflection of how I see board members, their role and if our vision is similar for GPISD |
6 | Comp 5: Federal Programs Admin. | Evaluate the position of the grant writer in our district | Job description, TEA discretionary grants | S. Mathews O. Bazan | Fall 2011 | Learn about the position. How we determine which grants we are eligible for and how we win these grants. |
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Great Job with your Professional Development Plan. I always look at your plans, posts, blogs, etc. to see if I am on track with mine.